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Getting Started


Installation can be done in two different methods,

  • Run from the executable binary bundles
  • Run it as a container

Hardware Requirements

  • Disk Space: ~100 MiB
  • Memory(RAM): ~50 MiB

Software Requirements

  • InfluxDB - used as a metric store
  • Optional
    • Docker or any container orchestration (if you plan to run MyController container image)
    • MongoDB - can be used as a configuration store

Dependencies Installation

Migrating MyController from 1.x to MyController 2.0

  • MyController 2.0 is completely redesigned.
  • You can not migrate from 1.x to 2.0
  • However for sometime you can run 1.x and 2.0 simultaneously and migrate your configurations manually
  • If you are using MySensors serial port to connect your sensors, use 2mqtt to share your sensors network to both 1.x and 2.0

Install MyController Server

What Next?

1 - Hints

  • if a boolean value is left blank. It is considered as false
  • if a numerical value is left blank, It is considered as 0

Values on payloads

Payloads sent to a resource will be considered as follows

  • case in-sensitive
  • on, true, 1, enable == true
  • off, false, 0, disable == false

Duration of the time

System time durations follow the GoLand standards as follows…

  • ns - nanoseconds
  • us - microseconds
  • ms - milliseconds
  • s - seconds
  • m - minutes
  • h - hours


Input Description
0 0 seconds
0s 0 seconds
10s 10 seconds
1m20s 1 minute and 20 seconds
1h20m5s 1 hour 20 minutes and 5 seconds
-42s -42 seconds



Quick ID


2 - Install Docker

Docker can be installed in different way. Here it is explained to install it on Raspberry PI with Raspbian OS
Follow the steps below to install docker on your Raspberry PI

# copy the installation script
curl -fsSL -o

# execute the script

# enable the docker daemon
systemctl enable docker.service

# start the docker daemon
systemctl start docker.service

# check the docker daemon is active
systemctl is-active docker.service
  • Optional steps - If you plan to play docker command on user
    # add a non-root user to the docker group
    # here the "pi" is a user
    usermod -aG docker pi

3 - Install InfluxDB

In this guide installation shown on Raspberry Pi with Raspbian Linux OS
If you have different OS, refer the influxdb installation guide
Influxdb can be installed in two different ways

Install InfluxDB on the host system

Follow this guide to install InfluxDB directly on your host system

Run the following commands as a root user
Operating System: Raspbian Linux 10 (buster)

# configure influxdb repository
wget -qO- | apt-key add -
echo "deb buster stable" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list

# update package details to the local system
apt update

# install influxdb and enable to run at startup
apt install influxdb
systemctl enable influxdb.service

# start influxdb
systemctl start influxdb.service

Optionally you can disable self monitoring metrics to avoid unnecessary CPU and Disk usage.

  • update the following line on /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf
      store-enabled = false
  • restart the influxdb service
    systemctl restart influxdb.service

(Optional) Create a database for MyController usage in influxDB

If the database user has admin privilege, database will be created automatically by MyController server.

root@rpi-171:~# influx
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.8.5
InfluxDB shell version: 1.8.5
> create database mycontroller
> show databases
name: databases
> exit

Install InfluxDB on the Docker

Most of the places docker installation of influxdb works well

Generate influxdb.conf

Detailed information is on InfluxDB Website

  • generate influxdb.conf

    mkdir -p /opt/apps/influxdb
    cd /opt/apps/influxdb
    docker run --rm influxdb:1.8.4 influxd config > influxdb.conf
  • Optional - Steps to disable InfluxDB monitor

    • Monitor InfluxDB metrics will be enabled by default. It eats lot of disk space and CPU.
    • on the generated influxdb.conf set false to store-enabled, available under monitor
      store-enabled = false


mkdir -p /opt/apps/influxdb/influxdb_data
cd /opt/apps/influxdb

docker run --detach --name mc_influxdb \
    --publish 8086:8086 \
    --volume $PWD/influxdb_data:/var/lib/influxdb \
    --volume $PWD/influxdb.conf:/etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf:ro \
    --env TZ="Asia/Kolkata" \
    --restart unless-stopped \

(Optional) Create a database for MyController usage in influxDB

If the database user has admin privilege, database will be created automatically by MyController server.

  • enter inside running docker container
  • execute influx command inside the influx container as follows
  • create a database by running create database mycontroller
  • show available databases by running show databases
  • type exit two time, one exits from influx client shell, second exits from the docker container
$ docker exec -it mc_influxdb /bin/sh

# influx
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.8.4
InfluxDB shell version: 1.8.4
> create database mycontroller
> show databases
name: databases
> exit
# exit

To see the logs

  • Prints all available logs
    docker logs mc_influxdb
  • Prints and tails the logs, to get exit do Ctrl+C
    docker logs --follow mc_influxdb


docker stop mc_influxdb


docker restart mc_influxdb


docker stop mc_influxdb
docker rm mc_influxdb

4 - Install natsio server can be installed in different way. Here we are focusing to setup it on docker and 2.2.2 version.

To install natsio on your host system follow this guide


docker run --detach --name mc_natsio \
    --publish 4222:4222 \
    --env TZ="Asia/Kolkata" \
    --restart unless-stopped \

To see the logs

  • Prints all available logs
    docker logs mc_natsio
  • Prints and tails the logs, to get exit do Ctrl+C
    docker logs --follow mc_natsio


docker stop mc_natsio


docker restart mc_natsio


docker stop mc_natsio
docker rm mc_natsio

5 - Install Mosquitto MQTT Broker

Mosquitto broker can be installed in different way. Here we are focusing to setup it on docker and Mosquitto 1.6.9 version.

To install Mosquitto broker on your host system follow this guide


Detailed information is on Mosquitto Website

# create mosquitto.conf
mkdir -p /opt/apps/mosquitto
cd /opt/apps/mosquitto

cat << EOF > mosquitto.conf
allow_anonymous true
persistence false
persistence_location /mosquitto/data/


mkdir -p /opt/apps/mosquitto
cd /opt/apps/mosquitto

docker run -d --name mc_mosquitto \
    --publish 1883:1883 \
    --publish 9001:9001 \
    --volume $PWD/mosquitto.conf:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf \
    --restart unless-stopped \

To see the logs

  • Prints all available logs
    docker logs mc_mosquitto
  • Prints and tails the logs, to get exit do Ctrl+C
    docker logs --follow mc_mosquitto


docker restart mc_mosquitto


docker stop mc_mosquitto
docker rm mc_mosquitto