System Monitoring

System Monitoring is an internal plugin developed and maintained by MyController


  • Form view gateway-system-monitoring
  • YAML View
      type: system_monitoring # (1)
      hostIdMap: {} # (2)
      hostConfigMap: {} # (3)
    1. type should be selected as system_monitoring
    2. hostIdMap - is a group of key value map
    3. hostConfigMap configurations of monitoring resources

Host ID Map Configuration

Host ID Map (hostIdMap) is used to map the real host id with a friendly name


be0164ad-6f25-4448-b691-567946392b47: rpi_1
a574ac8d-4c9f-40d6-b0ce-bbc7d98cd87d: rpi_2

Here be0164ad-6f25-4448-b691-567946392b47 is the actual id of the host and it is mapped with rpi_1. If data received from this node, The node name will be as rpi_1

Host Config Map Configuration

Host Config Map (hostConfigMap) is used to configure a specific node(s)

rpi_1: # (1)
  disabled: false # (2)
  cpu: # (3)
    interval: 1m
    cpuDisabled: false
    perCpuDisabled: false
  disk: # (4)
    interval: 1h
    disabled: false
        disabled: false
        name: "Root"
        path: /root
        unit: MiB
        disabled: false
        name: "Storage"
        path: /storage
        unit: MiB
  memory: # (5)
    interval: 1m
    memoryDisabled: false
    swapMemoryDisabled: false
    unit: MiB
  process: # (6)
    interval: 1m
    disabled: false
        disabled: false
        name: "InfluxDB"
        unit: MiB
          cmdline: influxd
        disabled: false
        name: "AdGuard"
        unit: MiB
          cmdline: >-
            /opt/adguardhome/AdGuardHome --no-check-update -c
            /opt/adguardhome/conf/AdGuardHome.yaml -h -w
        disabled: false
        name: "MyController"
        unit: MiB
          cmdline: /app/mycontroller-all-in-one -config /app/mycontroller.yaml
        disabled: false
        name: "NatsIO"
        unit: MiB
          cmdline: nats-server --config /etc/nats/nats-server.conf
        disabled: false
        name: "MYC GW"
        unit: MiB
          cmdline: ./mycontroller-gateway -config gateway.yaml
  temperature: # (7)
    disabledAll: false
    interval: 30s
    enabled: []
rpi_2: # (1)
    # ...
  1. node_id - id of the node or host
  2. disabled - set true to disable data from this node. default value: false
  3. cpu configurations
  4. disk configurations
  5. memory configurations
  6. process configurations
  7. temperature configurations

CPU Configurations

  interval: 1m # (1)
  cpuDisabled: false # (2)
  perCpuDisabled: false # (3)
  1. interval - metric measurement interval
  2. cpuDisabled - disable overall CPU metrics data
  3. perCpuDisabled - disable individual CPU(s) metrics data

Disk Configurations

  interval: 1h # (1)
  disabled: false # (2)
  data: # (3)
    disk_root: # (4)
      disabled: false # (5)
      name: "Root" # (6)
      path: /root # (7)
      unit: MiB # (8)
      disabled: false
      name: "Storage"
      path: /storage
  1. interval - metric measurement interval
  2. disabled - disable the all the disk metrics
  3. data - is a map of disk configurations
  4. This id will be used as fieldId in MyController, use lowercase, no special characters, _ allowed
  5. disabled - disable this particular disk metrics
  6. name - will be used as field name
  7. path - disk path used to measure the usage details
  8. unit - units guide

Memory Configurations

  interval: 1m # (1)
  memoryDisabled: false # (2)
  swapMemoryDisabled: false # (3)
  unit: MiB # (4)
  1. interval - metric measurement interval
  2. memoryDisabled - enable/disable memory measurement
  3. swapMemoryDisabled - enable/disable swap measurement
  4. unit - units guide

Process Configurations

  interval: 1m # (1)
  disabled: false # (2)
  data: # (3)
    influxd: # (4)
      disabled: false # (5)
      name: "InfluxDB" # (6)
      unit: MiB # (7)
      filter: # (8)
        cmdline: influxd # (9)
      disabled: false
      name: "MyController"
        cmdline: /app/mycontroller-all-in-one -config /app/mycontroller.yaml
  1. interval - metric measurement interval
  2. disabled - disable the all the process metrics
  3. data - is a map of process configurations
  4. This id will be used as fieldId in MyController, use lowercase, no special characters, _ allowed
  5. disabled - disable this particular process metrics
  6. name - will be used as field name
  7. unit - units guide
  8. filter - used to get a specific filter
  9. cmdline - one of the key used to filter a process

Supported keys in the filter

  • pid - Process ID
  • cmdline -
  • cwd - client’s Current Working Directory
  • exe -
  • name -
  • nice - nice value of the process
  • ppid - Parent Process ID
  • username -

Measurement Units

Bye default all the values reported in bytes. We have an option to convert the bytes to more readable values.
Update unit on the supported resources.
If you want the values in bytes leave the unit field as blank or remove it completely

Supported units: KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, PiB, EiB

  • KiB - Kibibytes (10241 bytes)
  • MiB - Mibibytes (10242 bytes)
  • GiB - Gibibytes (10243 bytes)
  • TiB - Tebibytes (10244 bytes)
  • PiB - Pebibytes (10245 bytes)
  • EiB - Exbibytes (10246 bytes)
Last modified June 14, 2021: update installation guide (2fd41a2)